Microfi Free Flow Project

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Bitcoin Cash CashTokens Wallet with notary system

Microfi wallet is under development.
This is an open-sourced, non-custodial client-side wallet.
Use it for demonstration purposes, at your own risk and with small amount of BCH.
For now, token name, symbol, icon and decimal places are not displayed in the wallet.

Microfi wallet supports "BCMR" and "CRC" CashTokens.

Delete the wallet from the browser if it is being used on someone else's device
or if you want to create a new wallet.

Create a new wallet:

Import a wallet from seed phrase or private key:




* choose NFT capability from the list

To update balance, refresh the page and open the wallet again.

The wallet will be deleted
(the seed phrase / private key will be removed from the local storage of the browser).

Paste tokenId (category) below.

Click View button of yor choice.

* wait a few seconds

Choose "CRC" metadata registry from the list.
If custom BCMR is selected, paste url in the input field.

1. Generate tokenId

Generate a new tokenId (category) for every new token you create.

2. Create BCMR

Create json metadata

Encode json metadata to Base64 (optional)

3. Create fungible tokens (experimental)

These can be both "BCMR" or "on-chain" CashTokens (two op_return are used).

* choose NFT capability from the list

To create a paper wallet go here.

Before sweeping, check the balance of the paper wallet.
You can create a wallet or import an existing wallet into the Microfi wallet and paste the BCH address into the recipient field,
or simply use your favorite BCH wallet address (which supports CashTokens) in the recipient field.

Payment request works with Bitcoin Cash

Scan the Qr-code or copy and paste url below

* with an external wallet

* with the Microfi wallet

To verify signature paste message above and BCH address and signatiure below.

To notarize a document (file) with the Microfi wallet, 0.01 XMI CashTokens and a few BCH satoshi for a transaction fee are required.
Your document (file) won`t be uploaded anywhere.

Wait a few seconds. Save txId, document hash and wallet signature of document hash.